Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Check it, yo. I have a BLOG.

Weird, I know, right? Also, guess who is unemployed and feelin' chatty? Don't know who all is still out there but my plan is to schedule a little time to look up all my ol' blog peeps and see how you're doing.

Just a quickie "howdy" post right now because I have dogs to feed and holy moly it's like having small children.

X's and O's and exclamation points to you all...


archshrk said...

"WHEW! I thought you were dead!" - Russell from the movie UP.

I've been spending most of my time on Google+ these days (http://goo.gl/kzsKB)and in Sacramento now.

Teri M. said...

HEH... love that movie... despite the fact that it makes me ugly cry.

HI... so, is that child it college yet or what? It's been soooo long. I'm having some Google email names related issues but as soon as I get it straightened out I'll Google+ you!

It was good to hear from you - how do you like Sacramento?

archshrk said...

It ain't San Diego. And that's all I have to say about that.

No, he's not in college but he is a big brother.

Too much to share here but things are good.