Monday, June 12, 2006

Can too much Earl Grey make your head explode?

Holy cow! I've got to get a move on, but I can't seem to stop commenting on everyone's blogs. And they're all chatty and what-not. Must be the ginormous mug of Earl Grey I consumed earlier. Two bags with two packets of Splenda. Two pieces of toast apparently weren't enough to counteract the caffeine.

So, if you see comments and yer like "HUH?", please pardon my caffeine fueled spazziness.

Oh, and to the person from India that is looking at my blog right now? Comment! I love me the comments. Hopefully I will be visiting your country with my spouse next year. (Not to brag or anything. I'm just mentioning it casually.)

Now. Shower. Costco. Chaperone the Band and Orchestra Pool Party for H. (ohjoy) and then H. has a baseball game. MUST GET OFF COMPUTER.

Ok. No time for Costco. Deeeep breath...and maybe a snack.

Spaz, out.


Michele said...

Too much tea makes you pee pee
too much.Blogmad hit,stop by for a visit.

Bobealia... said...

I love the Earl.
Costco induces fuzziness and brain explosions in some...

Anonymous said...

First, I'm glad to see you posting again. Second, I can't help you with the Earl Grey (or any tea related questions) as I don't drink tea much. Thirdly (since I'm on a roll here) if you go to Costco, then you can stop by Chipotle and get some burrito-y goodness. Good for counter-acting caffeine over-doses.

Andrea Frazer said...

What makes my head explode is the Costco soda and hotdog for 1.62. Nothing better in life. When I was real broke I used to save the cups of soda and then go in and refill all casual like, fake sipping the straw. Now that's cheap. Love the posts. Keep going.

Bobealia... said...

Hey Earl Head,
Do you know how these people find out how people google searched them? I want some answers.

Ok - so my word verification is "recfhrgd" say that outloud. It seems appropriate.

Teri M. said...

Michele: Teehee, you said peepee. lol Thanks for commenting!

Bo: Earl is my mostest favoritest. The people at Costco make my head want to explode. Ya know, I wish I knew how people find out about the look up word thing. I do know if you pay for SiteMeter, that is one of the features, but I don't know how to do it for free. Whichever of us finds out first, make sure to tell the other! I lurve saying my w.v.'s out loud.

arch: 1st, thanks! 2nd, for an American Male, tea drinking isn't the norm, so I'm not suprised. 3rdly, can you believe I've never been to Chipotle? I took the Monster over to that McD's to play with a couple of her other 12 yr old friends (weirdos) and ate at Pick Up Stix instead. I'm gonna hafta try Chipotle.

Mama P: Ya know, I can't finish one of those hot dogs without becoming nuaseous, so I stick to the fab pizza! The really do have the best deals at the snackbar. And really, since the cups and coke together cost them about .02 ea, you were just getting your money's worth!

Lena said...

In a word: yes. So can iced mocha. As can be seen by my brains all over my keyboard.


Teri M. said...

Lena: thanks for the visual, girl.

H.: What's your point, toots?

Katherine said...

I have to say, that Aveda salon I mentioned yesterday did have the best darn hot tea I've ever had. I was going to ask what it was when I checked out, but after the whole tip thiing - fuggaboutit!

LeS said...

Good thing you weren't drinking coffee - you might have rocket launched straight out the front door and hurt someone in your path.

Later cuckoo tea head girl!

Tia Raina said...

lol.that was freaky,I'm from ya go..comment! Good, another cat lover.

Anonymous said...

ooooh blogmad brought me to you and I would like to extend the offer of a friendly place to leave spazzy comments because I enjoy them!! I do the same thing and then spend the rest of the day wondering how scared people were of my comments!! I'm UTTERLY harmless I just get a tad hyper and..... Spazzy!! *hugs* xxx

Teri M. said...

LeS: No kiddin' - my eyes were getting ready to ssssspiiiiinnnnn!

t2: Dontcha love the Internet and all it's internationallyness. (Uh, yeah. I made that word up) Thanks for internationally commenting!!

Moo: Yeah for Spaz comments. (Hee. Get it? Instead of Spam? Too bad I only crack myself up.)