Friday, April 07, 2006

Photobooth Friday, Numbah Due

Oookay, had some power outage issues here, so I'm attempting to repost, and hopefully this will work! I won't be on for about a week (like I have been this last week, right?). Go check out hulaseventy, the orginator of this fab Photobooth Friday idea.

It would appear the broken link gremlins are determinded to plague me today, so, like a newbie, I'm just gonna hafta skip the HTML version and give you Hula's address the old fashioned way. Let's hope I can get this fixed at some point. POOK. (just so you know, my eyes are slowly spinning in my head.)


Double air kisses to all and I'll talk atcha next Friday!

UPDATE 11:21pm PDST LINKS FIXED!! holyfreakin'cow.


Teri M. said...

I own it - I love that movie!

Chief Scientist said...

Wow ... you are 3 for 3 in people who like that movie. That Audrey Toutou was something. It took me a whole case of Astro-Glide just to get through that film. And I had to watch it twice.

Teri M. said...

Dude, you hit TMI territory so fast, my head is spinning.

Robyn said...

When I was in Venice this past weekend there was a flea market that had a ton of old photos and postcards. I picked up a postcard for my grandmother. It was from 1932 and sent from a town in Italy. Neat huh?

Teri M. said...

r.r: Couldja hear my sigh from out here? It was deep and loud.

Michael said...

Just some blabber from a blogger doing a blog-by.
Like the way you knitted your words together.

Take Care

Teri M. said...

Thanks for stopping by, Michael! and thank you for your kind words. :-)

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