Friday, August 11, 2006

Photobooth Friday #7 - at last!

Photobooth Friday #7
(click on pic to see a larger version)

I have several strips of this sort, thanks to my obsessive haunting of eBay for vintage photos. I should have posted this in July, since on the back is written: July 1918. That would explain the flag. I like the pose with that new fangled contraption, the telephone. Her hairbows and what I'll bet is a gorgeous white lace dress bring to mind Anne of Green Gables and The Secret Garden. Just think, a couple of years after these oh-so innocent pictures, this girl probably bobbed her hair, rolled down her stockings and was doing the Charleston on top of tables while trying not to spill her martini. My, but they do grow up fast.

Go check out these Photobooth Friday goddesses (and stay to read their lovely blawgs):


LeS said...

HEY! You are pbf-ing again! I personally wanna be the girl doing the Charleston on the table top :) Maybe because it's Friday.

And I did the city test thing and am also Austin which thrills me to bits. Go Austin!

Bobealia... said...

Hey, I know you memed me, but I am working on it... ah... I swear.
This girl looks kind of like a boy with a bow.

Bobealia... said...

Teri, I just clicked on your offspring's link b/c she laughed at me and well... that's why... but anyway, I didn't understand a word she was saying. Is that like kid-speak? Does it make sense in person?
Wow that was like opening a door to a whole new/other world.

oh, and my word verification is wvrmbyq, which is what I said when I came back through the teleporter.

Yup. Uh huh.

Bobealia... said...

Oh, Hannah m, it wasn't meant to be an insult. I'm just amazed by the lingo. It kind of makes me feel old and out of it. I thought your photobooth friday pics were funny!

meno said...

That bow kinda takes over her head doesn't it?
Kinda like the brain slug from Futurama.

Teri M. said...

LeS: I must admit it does sound fun! How funny that you got Austin - so apropos.

Bo: I know you've been busy and stressed, so whenevah is fine with me. :) Yeah, she does have rather masculine features. 'Course that didn't seem to matter as much then as it might today. And as far as my offspring - kids these days, huh? sheesh. lol (teleporter - hee!)

Menoblog: When I read that I instantly thought: "It's alive... IT'S ALIVE!" lol

Bobealia... said...

I FINALLY did my meme!!!! Come see!

sc@vp said...

I FULLY thought that was a boy ...

weirrrd ...

Teri M. said...

Turn of the century drag? I think, perhaps, just a very plaaaain jane. ::ahem::

andrea said...

as lovely as this is, ward and I thought the same thing... she looks a tad... masculine.

turn of the century drag queen or not, I love you for posting this and can't wait to see more! xo

Teri M. said...

Andrea: This poor child. Hopefully her parents were very rich. Guess what - I DO have more. I'm excited. :)