Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Dear Old Golden Rule Daze

It's that time of the year again. The time of year when I begin to dread the coming of the morn. I trudge to bed in the knowledge that with the dawn comes much gnashing of teeth. Threats. Shouting. Recriminations. Crying (mostly mine).

I birthed a night owl which means that my nights are framed by the struggle to get The Girl to GO TO BED, ALREADY and then GET UP, ALREADY. Yesterday was the first day of school and she amazed us by getting up rAHEally early. This resulted in a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. You can see where this is going? Yup. Up late last night. As I was already resigned to the fact that she would get out of bed a thousand times for various reasons (mostly to torment me and whiiiiiine), I relented and we vegged in my room and bonded over a couple episodes of Invader Zim. This morning could have been worse. It could have been better, but it could have been worse. I didn't have to poke the snarling, bad-tempered little tiger with a stick. But don't think I won't if it comes right down to it. Because I have, and I'm not afraid to do it again.


Anonymous said...

I could loan you Silver and Shelly. They'll walk all over her and nip her on the nose until she wakes up - at least that is what they do to me.

sc@vp said...

you can do it, baby!
you can do it.

Teri M. said...

Jen: I don't know - if poking her with a stick doesn't work that well...

s@bd: LOL - thanks!

Bobealia... said...

I don't know why kids in California are starting school so early. It's not like they have snow days.

Bobealia... said...

I meant early as in, it's still August... but I know that is not what you were talking about.
I was a night owl kid and I got up two hours before I had to leave in order to be ready on time. It took me like 40 minutes to dry my hair when I was 12.

Katherine said...

Ha, this is going to be such an entertaining school year, blogging wise. hee hee. But oh, hey, yea, I really feel for ya. Good luck and all that.

Teri M. said...

Bo: I know, it's always been strange to me for her to start in August. This year, though, I think they're getting the whole week off for Thanksgiving, so they have to make up for it. I'm lucky to get her out of bed 20 minutes before it's time to go. She's completely uninterested in the hairdryer. We're going through a bit of a, um, grunge phase.

Katherine: Gee. Thanks. (LOL! What? I did. I LOL'd.)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should try a lulliby...

"doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom (nine hours later) doom doom doom doom doom doom."

Teri M. said...